Brad Harper


Black belt 2022

January 15th, 2022, Brad Harper received his Black Belt in Jiu-Jitsu. Since the first day we opened, Brad has been a significant part of Charlotte Jiu-Jitsu Academy.

About Brad

I consider Brad to be one of my best training partners. Over the years, I have always tried to smash, choke, and push Brad to his limits. However, Brad has never shied away from the challenge. Brad has a relentless work ethic and passion for becoming a little bit better than yesterday. I can’t count the number of times he’s helped me and so many others get ready for competitions with absolutely grueling rounds.

There are many tools in Brad’s arsenal, but his mental game and strategy make his style so challenging. Brad’s Kimura is like death and taxes. You know it’s coming, and you think you won’t get caught, but you will.

Other interesting facts about Brad.

All of Brad’s kiddos train Jiu-Jitsu and are mat monsters as well!

Need a professional photographer? Brad has you covered. Check out his Instagram

Brad is a talented musician who has performed at the Grand Ole Opry. 

Next time you see Brad, ask him how many of the National Parks he’s visited with his family. I don’t think the man sleeps! He is always lining up and knocking down goals.

We are fortunate to have Brad in our academy. CJJA would not be the same without you, my friend. I look forward to many years of rolling to the death with you. It has been my privilege and honor to be part of your Jiu-Jitsu. 

Congratulations Brad, I’m so proud of you!

– Piper