Brad and Jon Harper were awarded their brown belts last Saturday at Charlotte Jiu Jitsu Academy. These OG’s of CJJA deserved it.
Brad is a hard working, smart BJJ player with a nasty kimura trap game. His tenacious drive to be better every day shows in being a beast of a training partner and friend. The avid photographer is always helping others learn, and also helps teach classes if I’m not available.
Jon is very detailed – he will pick a concept and fine tune it until he’s extremely good at it – and really is a student of the game. Recently he’s focused on leg-lock techniques and, before that honed his back attacks. This techy strives to be the best he can, assists with teaching NoGi classes and also helped come up with our CJJA logo. (He also helped us get our website up and running).
Congrats guys we’re all so proud.
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